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  • Writer's pictureHoly Family Mossend

Lent 2022 - Father Peter's Street Children

The three observances of the holy season of Lent are Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. Since 2000 our parish organised a light soup lunch in our parish centre on every Tuesday of Lent following the noon Mass and monies saved were donated to our adopted cahrity Fr Peter's Street Children. This came to an end in 2020 with the first Covid lockdown. Although it has not resumed perhaps yopu might wish to do this on your own either at home or in your work place. Any money saved by your fasting can be handed in to the sacristy at the end of Lent in an encelope marked Street Children or given to George McAleenan. During Lent in the second lockdown last year this was done and about £800 was raised for the Street Children. As you fast and give your alms to the charity you can also carry out the third of the observances, Prayer, and keep the street children in your prayers.

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